Mighty Action Heroes Early Access

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Recently we made a selection of April playtests and then another interesting playtest rolled up.

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How to participate?

Mighty Action Heroes will conduct an early access test at the end of April, from the 28th to the 30th. But note, this is not an open test! You must have a Genesis Pass or NFT Big Bear Syndicate to join.

In this test, new features and improvements are waiting for you: stun and knockback effects, game balancing and new heroes - Detective Danger, Venom Valdez and Boss Bao. Heroes are now divided into classes: Tank, Fighter, Speeder and Balanced. Each class has unique abilities!

Registration here: https://app.mightynet.xyz/lobbyto be ready for this and future tests of the game. Good luck to everyone and see you in the blockchain world of crypto games! 💰🎮🔥

What is Mighty Action Heroes?

Meet Mighty Action Heroes! This is a Free-to-Play browser-based battle royale on the Ethereum blockchain with a third-person view. The game has on-chain and off-chain assets. Starter heroes and cosmetic items will be off-chain, while premium heroes, equipment, resources, and blueprints will be on-chain.

The game's characters are inspired by popular action heroes from around the world. Heroes can level up and equip with different weapons and abilities.

Players earn rewards depending on the final place after each match. The game also has a “Season Pass” system with basic and premium levels - the best rewards for premium pass holders.

The developers are planning to introduce their own ecosystem token called $MGHTY, it is on it and NFT trading that earnings in the game Mighty Action Heroes are based. 

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