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Written by the community WaxGamesRu

Today in our community CryptoGamingPool flew in, one might say, with both legs :) Denis from the community WAX GAMES EN and shared a very useful guide, even a deconstruction, describing how to start, what to do and the overall situation for making money in the Play-to-Earn game Wombat Dungeon Master from the ecosystem on the WAX ​​Wombat blockchain. By the way, I recently bought Wombat Atomichub, which were unable to survive the bear market, although this is not the only reason.

The project has existed for a long time and below the article describes the situation regarding earnings and more. We decided to add this material to our Community-based section.

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Dungeon Items

Author's note: Wherever “Currently” is stated, September 10, 2023 is meant.

Basic information + how to get started.

Wombats are partnering with a bunch of different collections. The affiliate deal is that you need to stake “friendly” collections into wombats. Limits: 100 nft per blockchain. Now you can stake NFT on Vax, EOS and Polygon - in ascending order of price (Vax - the cheapest, Polygon - the most expensive).

Each oil from these collections has its own link to the resource and mining power - then MP. For each oil tank they are fixed - the same oil tank produces only 1 resource and its MP does not change (at least during one season). There are only 4 resources - Uranium, steel, coal and gold. You can forget about gold - the resources for it are expensive, oil prices for steak are specific, the payback is very long. Let’s not remember about gold any further, it will be like 3 resources.

At the moment, 1 nft of uranium brings 0,0054 uranium, 1 nft of steel brings 0,0203 steel, 1 nft of coal brings 0,0812. NFTs bring the same amount of resources, REGARDLESS of the rarity of the NFT / its mining power, they ALL bring the same amount of resources.

There are different types of income in the game:

  • Stable income from crafting wombatium (1)

Crafting a wombatium requires resources. Resources are obtained for each entry into the dungeon, the amount of resources depends on the number of oils in the steak. The amount of resources does NOT depend on the mining power - resource oils carry a stable amount of resources, regardless of the oil's MP (a coal oil with an MP of 5 carries the same amount as a coal oil with an MP of 1500)

In order to successfully farm wombatium, you need to choose which wombatium you are going to farm. All options are available in the in-game store - link.

To decide, you can go to the table, poke the ratio of the number of oils, look at the timing of farming wombatiums and choose the appropriate one - the table will be below.

  • Income from Mining power (2)

I wrote earlier that mining power does not affect the extraction of resources - it affects several other things.

1. The greater the mining power, the greater the chance of receiving an NFT at the end of the day. There is a chest in the upper right corner of the game interface -

From this chest every day we take rewards, which partly depend on the number of daily contributions (immediately under the chest). There is no publicly confirmed information from the developers, but there is information that they could not help but confirm and refute - with MP 15–100k, the chance of an NFT/pack falling out of a chest is 3%. We can grade this chance with clothes. You also need to remember that there is a chance to get more than 1 nft.

2. Under the chest we see the amount of daily indemnity, which depends on 3 things - your MP, the wombat's clothes (they are for indemnity) and the wombat's level. If your daily contribution is more than 45k, you will receive additional wombat tokens from the chest per day

This income is issued at the end of the season, but can always be viewed on the main screen of the game—

  • Income from the pool (3)

Here we are only interested in the daily contribution - season points are calculated from the daily contribution * multiplier, the multiplier is always different, it increases closer to the end of the season. Every 100k points = $1, flies to vax / wombat, in the settings in the game you can change the currency.

What are we farming anyway?

Points are the usual pool of points from which season rewards are distributed. It’s more interesting with Wombatiums. The wombatium itself is a gadget that complements the game in different aspects - some of them increase the rarity when blending, some of them change the type of oil, some improve packs, some add MP when staking - this mechanic makes wombatiums constantly in demand. You can view descriptions here.

It turns out, for example, to progress any item, we need 3 identical items + 1 dragon.

You can just do the math - if we want to make a lvl 5 mythic, then we need 3 lvl 4 mythics and 1 dragon.

3 mythics 4 lvl = 9 mythics 3rd level + 3 dragons, 9 mythics 3 lvl = 27 mythics 2nd level and 9 dragons, 27 mythics 2nd level = 81 mythics 1 lvl and 27 dragons. It turns out that to make 1 mythic of the 5th level we need 81 mythic of the 1st level and 40 dragons.

Exactly the same scheme works not only with mythics, but also with any other rarity - such a scheme has kept the market in deficit for more than 2 years, and according to the state of the market, it is not even close to the state of “there is enough NFT for everyone.”

Let's now go step by step -

  1. We go to Atomic, open the collection, section wombatium.
  2. Open nameplate, look at wombatiums, start sorting through the number of tools in the “Number of NFTs”, our goal is to select such a ratio of tools so that the numbers are minimal in the “NFT” sectionIt will take days to collect (subject to the limit)”. Relatively speaking, we opened Atomic, looked at wombatiums, decided to settle on the dragon wombatium farm based on the price, and began to sort through the tools so that all resources could be farmed in a minimum number of days.
  3. If you decide to farm not a dragon, but, say, Faberge or Fire, in the “Need for Wombatium” section, change the amount of resources, you can take it from the game shop.
  4. The maximum number of tools is 300 (to be more than 100, you need to link an eos wallet - this can be done through wombat wallet - an extension in chrome and metamask with the polygon network), the limit is 100 per blockchain, you cannot buy all 300 on vax.
  5. In the situation with dragon wombatium - with 200 nft, farming will be 10 days for 1 wombatium, if this suits us, we buy the number of nfts from “Nft quantity”, if not, we go look and sort out another wombatium. At the time of writing, dragon costs 115 vax, it takes 10 days to farm - 10.5w/day. NOTE - if you are a brave, skillful, super risky multi-acker - in theory, an account for 200 nft can be collected for $3-5, such an account will farm 10 dragon in 1 days - payback in 20 days.
  6. After we have decided on the wombatium, we go here - Pumpkin. All collections with different filters are collected here - this makes it easier to collect some goodies for a specific resource.
  7. At Vax and EOS we are looking for options on popinstock - Pumpkin, we buy at atomic - Pumpkin. At the test site we are looking for NFT in the sign - Pumpkin, we buy at opensi - Pumpkin.
  8. As a piece of advice, don’t collect a lot of NFTs from 1 collection. Relatively speaking, the more different collections you collect, the better. Firstly, if some collection is cut or banned, you will not suffer much. Secondly, in the well (about it below) there is a quest for a steak of 5–10–15–20 collections, i.e. simply by collecting different collections you will close the well much more easily.

After you have collected the necessary nfts for yourself - let’s say, you decided to go for 100 nfts, bought yourself the required number for uranium, steel and coal - we go into the game and stake all this stuff and start clicking.

About clothes -

Everything is simple here really. Open the sign that is located here - Pumpkin. There are a large number of clothes, you can choose according to yourself to strengthen your build in any direction. Below I will describe the stats a little -

Uranium boost — increase in uranium production.

Iron Boost — increase in steel production.

Coal Boost — increase in coal production.

Duration — Reducing the duration of the approach.

Stamina Consumption Reduction — Reducing energy consumption during entry.

Contribution — Percentage increase in the conversion of MP into indemnity

Clan Karma — Increase in clan karma. Karma is used to reduce the duration of clan visits - you can simply kill them.

More NFTs - Increases the chance of NFT dropping from a chest. That is, if you have 15–100k MP (rumored to be a 3% chance) and the item is +50%, your chance of finding an item or pack is 4.5%

Token Bonus Boost - boost token conversion, at the end of the day receive more wombat tokens. Relevant if you have an impressive MP.

XP - boost experience gain per entry.

Harvesting Boost – Increases the percentage of production of ALL materials.

Rope length - Increases the length of the rope for each quest - relatively speaking, if you get 10m for the quest in the well, but your clothes are 25% higher - you will get 12.5m for the quest

Mining power - Just gives mp. One of the most boring options.

Items can be graded by dragons/fairies, the sign was above.

Additional goodies

  1. Each wombat's clothes have several different types - here You can see which wombat clothes boost which characteristics. Relatively speaking, a wombat's flashlight can increase its coal mining, steel mining, or experience gain for each run. You can also view and select clothes in the /learn-more section. here. As a piece of advice, start with steak oils. Yes, the items boost well, but they also cost more. If you decide to grade with gear, I advise you to start with a hat on Harvesting boost - it boosts the production of ALL resources, and not just a specific one. For the first time, I advise you to fill all other items with items for HP - leveling up the wombat greatly boosts daily indemnity production.
  2. Well - the game has a system of achievements with rewards - you need to go as low as possible to get more rewards. Achievements become more difficult as you progress, but a couple of nice bonuses can be pulled out without difficulty even with minimal MP. Conventionally, tasks for full setup komon, full setup ankomon, steak 5–10–20 collections are completed very simply. If you have 20+ collections in a stake and 10–15+ MP, I advise you to take the season pass – it always pays off and brings you +10–15$ net.
  3. Vipka staking. There are several levels of $wombat staking - the more you stake, the more goodies you get. With each level, the bonus production of resources and points increases, the developers add additional packs, a season pass, and so on. You can see here

Assembly options –

There is no point in talking about “This assembly can farm oil, but this one cannot.” Whether he can farm oil or not is determined by the number of MP and items per % of the production of these oils. There is a fat mp above 25-30k mp and at least a couple of interchangeable clothes for NFT - it will be good to pour, if not - no. Here's something a little more unobvious.

    1. You may have several options for clothes. Relatively speaking, you are targeting the farming of a certain NFT, you have an average MP, which allows you to already collect NFT from the daily contribution. How cheap and cheerful can you add a little to your profit? Buy replacement clothes. I usually sit with the coal/uranium mining gear that balances out my build, but before I collect the day's chest, I change gear into the mining packs. In exactly the same way, you can buy clothes to increase the length of the rope and change it when collecting quests, or buy clothes for a boost token and wear it before collecting the chest
    2. Don't focus on the dragon alone. Sometimes the guys add new wombatiums, like they did with Fortune. Did you have to reorganize? Yes. Was it beneficial? Oh yeah! In addition, there is an option to buy all 300 items of pure uranium and take the items for a uranium boost and collect yourself a Faberge wombatium - I take items only those that can actually be assembled (they are available at the atomic hub) - Mythic amulet 2lvl - 25% of production, Mythic digtool 2lvl – 37.5% of production, Mythic shirt lvl 3 – 62.5% of production, Mythic hat lvl 4 – 75% of production – not counting VIP this is already 200% of production, with VIP 5 it will be 220% of production, i.e. 1 Faberge will be assembled in +-10 days. Is it more expensive to assemble? yes, more expensive. But Faberge is 5 times more expensive than a dragon.
    3. If you want absolutely fat, go to the indemnity. If your wallet allows it, look at how the tops are put together. Most of the tops now wear clothes for +contribution, and before the chest they change into Tokenbust, which is how they loot guaranteed wombat tokens every day. I heard that the tops produce 20-30k wombats per day (information not confirmed).
    4. Look for other options. Sit down and calculate how much you will farm another wombatium in a day, how much you will loot if you go collecting gold, calculate what will happen if you take an item for stamina or sunset time, do not rely on only one path, especially if you are a multi-acker .

Written by the community WaxGamesRu

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