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On our website CryptoGamingPool there are several tables with games and their profiles.

Join our Telegram channel and chat to keep abreast of the main crypto gaming trends.

• Editor's Choice.
• Hot Twenty.
• Full list. (by clicking on the button more crypto games)

We recently updated them and added new projects.

When you click on a game in the table, its profile will open and you can see the description of the project and news related to it on our website.

In addition, the hot twenty is called directly from our chat the team /hot20. Periodically, we vote there for those projects that should leave the top twenty.

Team /groups gives a list of our chats.

Team /eth will give you the current ethereum price and the current gas price.

And the latest 5 news can be called through the inline function of our bot. Just write @CryptoGamingPoolbot and choose what you want to send. The function works even in those chats where our bot is not present.

Subscribe to our telegram channel and go to our main chat to discuss the latest news.