What's up with Pegaxy?

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If you have been following the world of crypto games at least a little lately, then you definitely could not at least once hear the name “Pegasy". Around this, as they call themselves, the metaverse is now a huge hype and, thanks to him, the game token has remained relatively stable against the background of the rest of the cryptocurrency market, which is now very bad. Today we take a look at what the project looks like now, what the developers have in the plans and how they are going to meet the huge expectations that have arisen in the community due to the explosive growth of its popularity.

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Briefly about Pegasy

Pegasy - P2E auto racing game. The project has a rather futuristic style with bright neon colors.

To play, you will need to buy a horse on the internal marketplace or find a player who will lend you a horse for the first time (a lot of attention is paid to this mechanism for attracting players, as it will greatly help in attracting new players).

There are 5 horse rarities (Founding, Legendary, Epic, Rare, and the so-called “Pacer”), as well as 4 main families: Hoz (the rarest), Campona, Klin and Zan (the most popular).

Left to right: Klin > Zan > Hoz > Campona

Yes, the word “basic” was used deliberately, as there are still “Crowned Pega” (Pega is the name for a horse in Pegaxy). They can only be obtained for 5 legendary tokens, and they do not guarantee you getting such a rare horse (the chance of getting the rarest is only 0,02%). You can get legendary tokens only at the very beginning of the path of the Pegaxy universe, that is, now. But this type of horse is very much superior to any other.


At the beginning, each player has 25 units of energy. To participate in the race, you need to spend one, but the energy is gradually restored over time. When you want to join the race, you get into a special pool, from which 12 players with horses of similar class are selected. Each game lasts about a minute, and with the popular horse, the search for a game lasts about 10 seconds.

The outcome of the race is decided by a combination of factors: the track (and in Pegaxy each track is different from the previous one), the characteristics of the horses and the RNG algorithm (RNG - Random Number Generator, pseudo-random number generator).

The vision of the project team

If we believe what the developers show the players, the game is still far from its final form, and there is still a lot of things in development.

 In its current form, anyone can play Pegaxy between chores or on their way to work, and the developers say that mobile gameplay is a priority development goal. Such an opportunity creates a rather casual atmosphere in the game, but it is worth noting that the project team sees it as a competitive one in the future, where everything will depend on your skills. The developers promise to move to 3D and give players the opportunity to control their horses during the race.

And yet, the gameplay is quite simple and seamless right now, which should set Pegaxy apart from other projects and help cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies with their acceptance by society.

Pexy interface

Project Perspectives

Who is fond of horses on the blockchain, he must have heard about Zed Run and Derace. Projects with powerful funds on board and partnerships with such giants as NASCAR, Stella Artois, etc. These projects have not been able to properly realize their potential and organized not the best marketing at the moment. Something is waiting. This is where Pegaxy jumped them.

At the moment, about 97% of the $VIS tokens (the main token of the project used in the game) have already been burned. Because of this, the minimum prices for NFT horses have already risen above $1000. Even more interesting is the fact that less than 100.000 horses were produced in total. Yes, yes, there cannot be more than a hundred thousand players in the game yet.

So far, this goes a little against the project's whitepaper: the developers say that one of the pillars of their vision for the game is its accessibility to a wide community. It is for this that the economic model of the game is being developed, including large-scale rental programs (this is how it is planned to lower the threshold for entering the game, which has taken off into space under the arm with hype around the project). It will be interesting to see what the developers do next.

Pegaxy internal marketplace

Now guildmasters are actively looking for new members via social media, but lately they are more interested in people who will be really involved and stay in it for a long time, and not in quick cash from new players on huge rental percentages. This is clearly a good sign for the project.

Now the main question for the project is whether the team will be able to withstand the huge expectations of the players and still become available to the mass user. We'll find out soon, but for now don't take our word for it and #DYOR.

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