TOP 10 Most Expensive Lands in the Metaverse

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Metaverses are becoming more and more popular, and with this growth, the cost of virtual earth is also increasing. (but not now, when the market is in a bearish trend, but in the long term, if you do not take into account fluctuations, then prices show an increase). Land parcels in the metaverses are attracting the attention of investors and entrepreneurs looking to invest in this booming market. In this article, we present the TOP 10 most expensive land deals in the Metaverse.

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1. The Sandbox: 24×24 Estate Land

  • Sale date: November 30, 2021
  • Cost: $4.4M, 971 ETH

2. Decentraland: Fashion Street Estate

  • Sale date: November 22, 2021
  • Cost: $2.4M, 618K MANA

3. Axie Infinity: Genesis land

  • Sale date: November 24, 2021
  • Cost: $2.3M, 550 ETH

4. Otherside: Otherdeed #59906

  • Sale date: May 8, 2022
  • Cost: $1.6M, 625 ETH

5. Axie Infinity: 9 Genesis plots

  • Sale date: February 8, 2021
  • Cost: $1.51M, 888 ETH

6 Decentraland: Plein Plaza

  • Sale date: February 3, 2022
  • Cost: $1.32M, 510K MANA

7. Axie Infinity: 2x Genesis land

  • Sale date: July 8, 2021
  • Cost: $1.3M, 569 ETH

8. Decentraland: Hacker City

  • Sale date: January 20, 2022
  • Cost: $1.2M, 425K MANA

9. Otherside: Otherdeed #17164

  • Sale date: May 12, 2022
  • Cost: $1.2M, 604 WETH

10 Decentraland: Massive Genesis Plaza Estate

  • Sale date: November 29, 2021
  • Cost: $1.1M, 210K MANA

The potential of virtual land for monetization and earnings on the example of The Sandbox

1. Create games and experiences

  • Land owners can create their own games and interactive experiences using The Sandbox's development tools.
  • These games can attract users, generate revenue through the sale of in-game items, advertising or paid subscriptions.

2. Organization of events

  • Virtual concerts, exhibitions and events may take place on The Sandbox's properties.
  • Event organizers can earn money by selling tickets, partnering with sponsors, and selling exclusive virtual goods.

3. Construction of virtual stores

  • Land owners can create virtual stores offering users the purchase of virtual goods and services.
  • Shops can sell both in-game items and merchandise related to real brands, turning land into sources of income.

4. Sublease of NFT lands 

  • Land owners can rent or sublease their land to other users and companies.
  • Tenants can use the leased land for their projects by paying rent to the land owner.

5. Participation in affiliate programs

  • Land owners can become partners in various projects and companies, receiving a share of the income from activities on their land.
  • Affiliate programs may include cooperation with virtual stores, advertising campaigns or game developers who operate on leased land.

6. Digital art and galleries

  • Land owners can create virtual galleries by displaying and selling digital art, including NFT artwork.
  • Galleries can attract both buyers and artists who want to sell their art and profit from its sale.

7. Educational and training centers

  • Land in The Sandbox can be used to create virtual education and training centers, providing users with access to courses, webinars and educational materials.
  • These centers can make money by selling access to courses, providing advice, and collaborating with educational organizations.

8. Social spaces and communities

  • Land owners can create social spaces and communities for users to interact, exchange ideas, and host community events.
  • These spaces can be monetized through membership fees, advertising, and the sale of community-related virtual goods.

Recently, global brands and investors have shown significant interest in buying virtual land. The development of technologies and the increase in the number of users of the metaverses make virtual land even more valuable, since it can become the basis for creating virtual stores, entertainment venues and other e-commerce projects and using new product distribution channels. Investing in land in the metaverse can bring tangible returns in the future, however, as with any other investment, you should carefully analyze the risks and opportunities before making a decision to purchase virtual land.

More articles on virtual NFT lands

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