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B The Sandbox the March Festival started, which began on March 8 and will last until April 4, 2023. Participation in the festival is free, and the total prize fund is over $1 million SAND. Prizes up for grabs include NFTs, $SAND tokens, lands, and various collectibles.

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The festival features nearly 30 events such as Parisland, The Rabbids and even Hell's Kitchen.
To become a guaranteed winner at the festival, each player must complete 300 tasks. The reward for this will be collectibles and a secret box that can contain SSAND packs, premium land, special NFTs, or the Spring Jacket NFT jacket.

Sand: (x25) 1,000 SAND pack / (×50) 500 SAND pack / (×2,000) 50 SAND pack / (×10,000) 15 SAND pack.

NFT's: (x2) Premium LANDs / (x2) Gutter Cat collection / (x2) BEANZ Official / (x2) Mfers / (x2) Rektguy / (x2) Lil Pudgys / (x2) CyberKongz VX / (x2) Rumble Kong League / (x1) World of Women / (x2) Alpacadabraz / (x2) Rabbids / (x2) Playboy / (x2) Care Bears / (x2) Gym A Club / (x2) The Doggies and Spring Vest NFTs.

350000 $SAND tokens are reserved for land and avatars holders in The Sandbox. Te owners who complete all 300 tasks will be able to get their share of the prize pool.

450000 SSAND tokens are reserved for mini-events and social challenges. To claim these exclusive prizes, players must complete a CUS check on The Sandbox.

The Sandbox is an MMO game that uses the ETH blockchain and owns DeFi elements of decentralized finance. Sandbox is an entire game metaverse in which players can buy and sell land (LAND). The game has its own assets (ASSETS) - these are game objects created by users in the game, which are NFTs of the ERC-1155 standard. The native game token (SAND) works according to the ERC-20 standard. The main currency of the game, which is used for all transactions.

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