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Within the framework of the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland), Mark Reid CEO WPP (British international holding in the field of communications, advertising, public relations, technology and trade) expressed concern about the safety of children and adolescents in the metaverse. The rapidly growing popularity of virtual worlds has affected a huge number of the younger generation, whose safety should be a priority when creating metaverses in the future and regulating existing worlds.

Commentary by Mark Read on the WEF:

A survey was conducted of parents who understand what the metaverse is and among them 72% are not only anxious, but also anxious about the privacy of their children in the metaspace. In addition, about 66% worried about the safety of their children. Some companies have already begun to create protected metaverses specifically for children.

Epic Games in April announced a partnership with Legoto create a collaborative metaverse where children can have fun and spend time without a certain amount of risk and danger, not only in terms of confidentiality, but also in terms of acceptable content. Recall that Epic Games owns Superawesome, a game safety company for kids.

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