digest 23 (rus)
MINECRAFT DEVELOPERS COLLECTED TOTAL 72 SIGNATURES ON THEIR PETITION AGAINST NFT Spring Escalation. The developers from the Climate Replay group have released a whole...
digest 22
MINES OF DALARNIA 2.0 Before launching the game on the mainnet, the developers conducted tests. For those who participated, the article is attached ...
Mines of Dalarnia
Mines of Dalarnia announced the launch of the game on the mainnet on April 26, 2022. The announcement was made at Miami NFT Week by the operating...
Cover of digest 11 rus
WHAT'S AT PEGAXY? It is not difficult to lead the horse to the water. But if you make her float on her back, that's it...
BAN NFT IN THAILAND OR REGULAR ATTEMPTS TO “PROTECT” CITIZENS? The local SEC drew conclusions and began to nightmare the companies involved in the withdrawal of NFT collections, ...