Summer skins in Axie Infinity

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Axie Infinity announced a hot summer event Lunacian Summer, where users will be able to breed summer skins for their Axies. The event will last 50 days, in addition to creating summer skins, special Shiny Skins have been prepared for players.

Breeding summer skins

During this event, collect special items for breeding summer skins. And to get a shiny skin, you need to combine six summer skins for one Axie. In addition, for every summer skin you shave, there is only a 1% chance that the skin will be shiny, and when you shave skins for the second Axie, the chance that the skin will be shiny increases to 5%. It is also important to know that the shiny skin is not inherited.

Because the supply of these summer axies will remain fixed and constant after the breeding window has passed, they will become rarer and rarer as a percentage of the total axie population.

The Lunacian Summer event holds a special place in the history of Lunacia. The first two skin breeding events were held during the 2018 and 2019 holiday seasons.

Lunacian Summer is a rare and special chance to make a mark on Lunacian history and create your own summer skins for Axies.

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