Ronin becomes gaming launchpad | The first Ronin game will be The Machines Arena | Staking RON

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Blockchain Ronin turns into a platform for launching games, the first game will be The Machines Arena. Partnership between creators of the universe Axie Infinity, Sky mavis и Directive Games announced March 30, 2023.

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DDirective Games was founded in 2014 by seasoned game industry veterans from companies such as CCP Games, DICE, LucasArts, Square Enix, Ubisoft и Tencent.

Now The Machines Arena is in closed beta and available to download on PC at Epic Games. The mobile version of the game is under development. A free to play game with play to earn elements allowing players to own NFT items and earn money by selling them.

The Machines Arena is a cross-platform team shooter. Players will be able to control the selected characters, using powerful weapons in exciting locations. The game is currently only available in PvP mode. Players will be able to fight in 4v4 PvP matches, playing with friends to show their team skills. The developers promised to start PvE - Death Run mode a little later.


In PvP mode, two teams fight to push the cart into the other team's base. The cart rails are divided into three areas, and the first team to push the cart out of the neutral zone into the enemy team's zone wins. Matches will last from 5 to 7 minutes. If the cart is still in the neutral zone before the match time expires, the neutral zone starts to narrow until the cart ends on both sides. When choosing a hero, you need to take into account all the abilities, characteristics and what weapons the character wields.

Great news!

$RON token staking starts April 12, 2023! 


This opens up new opportunities for earning $RON tokens, and for the team to reduce the price pressure on it, all in anticipation of the launch of their own launchpad. They don't just do that.

Previously, in order to get $RON tokens, you had to use game resources. Now it is enough to stake your $RON and receive passive income or (Impermanent loss). Here, as they say, how lucky.

Keep in mind that investments always carry risks, but in general, staking $RON is an interesting opportunity and a bold hint for upcoming announcements and the development of the ecosystem that is being built. Sky mavis.

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