Last update:

nonfungible makes reports since 2018 on the NFT market and takes into account data on Ethereum, Ronin, Flow. The level of confidence in their reports is approximately the same as reports DappRadar. The data is collected on-chain and it is important to make allowances for bots and wash-trading, and for a general understanding of the market also for other blockchains.

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Total volume in USD
Q2: $7,364,971,977
Q3: $1,675,127,336
📉 -77%

Number of transactions
Q2: 11,458,033
Q3: 10,905,632
📉 -5%

Average NFT Price
Q2: $643
Q3: $154
📉 -76%

Q2: 1,158,445
Q3: 903,259
📉 -22%

Q2: 711,262
Q3: 635,258
📉 -11%

Active Wallets
Q2: 1,415,297
Q3: 1,173,650
📉 -17%

Total profit on resale
Q2: $2,070,417,287
Q3: $326,953,607
📉 -84%

Total loss on resale
Q2: $-1,406,403,739
Q3: $-783,340,664
📉 -44%

Average NFT holding time on wallet (days)
Q2: 27.5
Q3: 31.1
📈 +13%

Collections Active Smart Contracts
Q2: 16109
Q3: 17619
📈 +9%

The metaverse NFT market size suffered the most:
Q3: $76,210,005
📉 -94,3%

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