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Do you remember this Blankos Block Party game? Well, it's a mixture of Fall Guys and Roblox from the crypto world. It was made by Mythical Games, which raised a record amount for cryptogaming - more than $297 million! and have reached Series C. And then C-Level decided to leave and took advantage of the network and raised $150 million for another Fenix ​​Games studio. Subsequently, Mythical Games sued the C-Level of their company, and they in turn counterclaimed. — Details.

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In general, the star men from Activision Blizzard and Yahoo left, who back in the 16-17th year were versed in crypto games in order to “like a phoenix rise from the ashes”, leaving behind a mythically diverse team. By the way, these stellar guys were the first who came up with the concept of making high-quality crypto games with Free-to-Play without tokens, with a seamless experience, a stable business model and with minimal earnings for players, which so far has been unsuccessfully adopted by most other web2 studios trying to make a transition in web3. These are projects that remain at the intersection of web2+ and web 2.5.

In general, the remnants of the Mythicles team released another game - NFL Rivals in partnership with the NFL. In Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia, you don’t hear much about her, but they play in the New World. Well, they are slowly developing Blankos, which will soon turn 5 years old. The flagship of the Mythical Games studio, which is designed to become a showcase for the Mythical platform and earn from it, and not from the games around which the blockchain infrastructure is built. Other crypto studios are also trying to do this.


It became known that Wright Thurston is a co-founder of GALA GAMES sues at GALA GAMES CEO Eric Schiermeyer. One of the allegations concerns the illegal issuance and sale of Gala tokens in the amount of $130 million, and further down the list, everything related to the misappropriation of funds for $600 million, inefficient management, and that's it.

UPD: Eric filed counterclaim.

Such things are in the world of web3-gamedev stars. To be continued…

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