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Today, the NFT community was agitated by the news of the alleged NFT ban. The fact is that Mojang Studios and Minecraft released short review about the upcoming guideline, in which the policy will be revised, including on the NFT.

Important for now: Minecraft does not support the models that NFT creates, namely the impact on scarcity, exclusivity and digital property creation by providing income. It's against the spirit Minecraft and their guidelines that everyone has access to the same content.

Therefore, it is now forbidden to integrate blockchain technologies into their client and server applications. The developers are encouraging that they will follow the development of blockchain technology, but so far plans to use this technology in Minecraft no. Recall at the base Minecraft NFT Worlds, Uplift, Enjincraft server worked.

Current Floor Price on OS land NFT Worlds: 0.95 Eth. Yesterday was 3 Eth. The question remains at what point this comes into effect, most likely from the moment the new policy is published.

Why are developers concerned?

The developers noticed that some of their skin packs and world files were being used by other companies as a means to create collectible NFTs for Minecraft. The exclusivity of these collectibles belies their values ​​as they take pride in their play environment. Mojang is very worried about the speculation around Minecraft, as they want the focus to be on the game and not on the NFT.

Developers are also concerned about the security of the unstable situation around NFTs and those who sell them, worrying that these third-party sellers may be unreliable. Some of the NFT holders could be at the mercy of the asset manager, if that manager simply disappears without warning, everyone involved with these NFTs could end up hurt.

And probably one of the most significant reasons is fraud. Some digital assets have been sold to unsuspecting buyers at rather high prices with the promise of huge profits, which is most likely not true. Mojang is worried that the community Minecraft can become a victim of cunning schemes, and in the first place, the developers themselves do not want to take part in this.

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