Life Beyond has new content

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life beyond adds new content to the game since the start of the open alpha, including two new missions, four new weapons, and three new costumes. Players can now embark on two new expeditions, one mission for solo play and the other for two players. The single player mission is a resource gathering and defense quest, while the two player mission is to hunt down a mutated creature and extract a DNA sample from it.

Of course, it will be possible to kill the parasite already with the new weapon, and here we are gradually approaching the fact that the release includes four new weapons. These are all secondary weapons, including the Carver (rapid fire weapon), Flack Fluid (acid attack), ColdFrag (explosive attack), and Voltic Lightning (which fires bolts of energy that can hit multiple enemies at once).

Three new suits have been added to the game, the first is an atmospheric suit, the second is a low friction suit, and the last expeditionary suit. In addition to updates, the team life beyond paid attention to the community. The original plan was for each new stage of missions to have a new objective, but progress towards the objective was slower than expected. Therefore, the developers decided for the rest of the open alpha testing phase to make it so that when players completed missions, they contributed points only to achieve one goal. Provided that by the end of September 80 million points will be scored, the developers will unlock a special event for players.

life beyond is a third-person action MMORPG in a sci-fi setting. Players expect an open world in which they can interact with each other, discover new technologies, travel through the metaverse. Players can trade items, accept quest contracts, and gain reputation. The game has a clan system and co-op. Some clans can be hostile, so you have to fight not only with monsters, but also with real players.

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