How to make money playing crypto games? Part 3

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In this part I will tell you how to create a wallet step by step, which client to choose, what problems may arise and how to solve them. Immediately I will offer several options to choose from, if suddenly something does not work out and there will be some explanations on the network features: Ethereum, EOS, TRON.

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Let's start by creating an Ethereum wallet through Metamask, as I found the shortest guide without water. 1 minute and you will have an ETH wallet. The main thing is to remember to securely save the seed phrase to restore access to the wallet. If you forget the password and lose the recovery phrase, then the funds in your wallet will be lost for you.

  1. Download and install Metamask.
  2. Save sid-phrase recovery.
  3. Create a format ETH address in Metamask: 0x667fEe5711794778eF7747C803B89d1b597edE7a.
  4. Buy ETH on the exchange and transfer to your wallet. (options for buying ETH with fiat currency will be available soon, directly in Metamask). One of the easiest ways to do it now is with an exchange Changelly.
  5. Next, go to the cryptogame website for example, Blockchain Cuties Universe with logged in Metamask and launch it.

Incidentally, Metamask has recently launched a mobile version. your application.

If the advantage of Ethereum is the ease of creating a wallet, then the disadvantage is paid transactions (gas charges are a network resource). Ethereum is like a car. The car will not be able to move if it is not refueled. Therefore, after creating a wallet, you need to replenish it so that you can carry out transactions from it. A special feature of the Ethereum network is that every action in the game that must be recorded in the blockchain requires a transaction from you (paid in gas in ETH).

Sometimes it becomes necessary to import a wallet. If you have already created an ETH wallet, you can import it into another client (wallet program). For example, you created a wallet address in MEW and want to use it in Metamask. Import is very simple, in a couple of clicks. (see screenshot)

Binance SmartChain






If the advantage of EOS compared to Ethereum is instant and free transactions, then with the creation of a wallet (in EOS it is called an account), some may have problems. 

In my opinion, the easiest way to create an EOS account through the Lynx wallet mobile wallet. If you have connected Google Pay or Apple Pay, then this will not take more than 1 minutes. This method is paid. At the moment, it costs about $ 2- $ 3, but it can be several thousand times cheaper per year than you pay for fees on the Ethereum network if you actively use decentralized applications.

  1. Download Lynx Wallet from the Apple Store or Google Play.
  2. Choose a name for the new account. Allowed 12 characters (az; 1-5). The account name must be unique.
  3. Confirm and pay. The fee is not charged for creating an account, but for purchasing RAM (an EOS network resource, your account will occupy several kilobytes of RAM) required to store your account.
  4. Buy EOS and transfer to the created account.
  5. Allocate CPU and NET resources for the account. You can do this by renting at a low interest rate (less than 1% per annum) or buy EOS and transfer them to STAKED on your account, and then you won’t have to pay anything. Your EOS allocated to CPU / NET is not consumed unlike gas in Ethereum.

In addition, there are 100% free ways to create an EOS account. Some apps pay to create an EOS account for you for downloading their app to your smartphone. for example Download the application, submit an application to create an account and after a day you will be given an 4 account key, which you need to keep in a safe place. They will need to access your account.

If you have problems with the connection, it is recommended to change the Host and if it does not help, then still enable VPN. This happens to users from Russia and the CIS for obvious reasons.

Some new users get stuck at the sight of CPU / RAM / NET. But in fact, there is nothing complicated. An analogy can be drawn that will help to deal with this more easily. Imagine that an EOS account is your smartphone. RAM is the memory of a smartphone. When buying a new smartphone on 32 GB, part of the memory is occupied by OC (about 5 GB). Here also, create a new account with 8 KB of memory and about 3 KB, the account itself takes up. CPU - it's something like charging your smartphone, it is desirable that there was at least 2 EOS. Network is a bit of a traffic package, 0,1-0,2 EOS is enough. The CPU / NET resources themselves are renewable, after 72 hours they are completely restored. Maybe the comparison is not entirely correct, but maybe it will be easier for someone to figure it out. This is not more complicated than the concept of gas on the air, which, by the way, is not being restored and it is necessary to pay a commission for each transaction.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to import an account. If you have already created an EOS account, then you can import it into another client (wallet program). For example, you created it in Lynx Wallet and want to use it in Scatter, then this process is not complicated.

1. First you need to install Scatter for PC:
2. Import your account there. (private key active, not owner!) (see screenshot).

To allocate resources for CPU and NET, you need to transfer your free EOS tokens to the STAKED state.

  1. In Scatter, select the desired account on the Wallet tab.
  2. A menu appears with account management. Click Manage under the CPU.
  3. Choose how many tokens to transfer to STAKED, so that on the basis of this amount you will be allocated resources by the network.

In the EOS ecosystem, there is no problem with this, in almost every wallet and in every service there is an opportunity to do this. Even in the block explorer it is possible to allocate resources or rent them if you don’t have EOS on your wallet at all and you don’t want to buy them. Consider an example of rent through

  1. Login to for example, through Scatter.
  2. Click the Rex tab.


We have text instructionor for YouTube lovers, there is a guide for creating a TRON account that is as short and informative as the metamask. Next, you need to replenish the account resources, for example, from the exchange. TRON has the same resource management system as EOS, but for some reason with paid transactions like Ethereum.

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