How is illuvium doing?

Last update:

Players with weak PCs, take a breath - this update is just for you. In addition to some game balance changes, the main goal of this patch is to optimize and fix bugs. The developers have hinted that this is only the first stage of optimization, and optimization will only get better in the next updates.

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illusory changes

In general, the focus is on reducing the power of some effective opponents (Pangolin via Magma, Lynx Psions, niche fighters) while increasing single target damage.

Axolotl line

All stages

  • Physical resistance 40 -> 45
  • Energy resistance 40 -> 45

Sea Scorpion Line

Stage 1 - Ripter

  • Physical Attack Damage 50 -> 70

Stage 2 - Ripterus

  • Physical Attack Damage 70 -> 90

Stage 3 - Rayplans

  • Physical Attack Damage: 90 -> 110.

Thylacine line

Stage 1 - Dash

  • Attack Physical Damage 85 -> 110

Stage 2 - Rake

  • Attack Physical Damage: 120 -> 140.

Stage 3 - Umbre

  • Attack Physical Damage 150 -> 170

Ant Eater Line

Stage 1 - Vermy

  • Attack Energy Damage 55 -> 65

Stage 2 - Vermilia

  • Attack Energy/Physical Damage: 35 -> 45

Stage 3 - Vermillar

  • Attack Energy/Physical Damage: 45 -> 55

Water/Nature/Earth/Air Doka/Volante Lines

Little Doka/Volante

  • Attack Physical Damage 40 -> 45

Big Doka/Volante

  • Attack Physical Damage 50 -> 55

Exalted Doka/Volante

  • Attack Physical Damage 70 -> 75

Fire Doka/Volante line

Little Doka/Volante

  • Attack Physical Damage 45 -> 50

Big Doka/Volante

  • Attack Physical Damage 55 -> 60

Exalted Doka/Volante

  • Attack Physical Damage 80 -> 85

Lynx Line

Stage 2 - Arcane Lynx

  • Omega Damage 500*OP -> 400*OP

Stage 2 - Virtuoso trot

  • (Correction) Omega Frequency 0,2s -> 1s
  • % missing health per second during Omega 8 -> 6

Stage 3 - Arcane Emberlynx

  • Omega Damage 650*OP -> 500*OP

Stage 3 - Arcane Hydrolynx

  • Omega Damage 650*OP -> 500*OP

Stage 3 - Arcane Terralinks

  • Omega Damage 650*OP -> 500*OP

Stage 3 - Arcane Zephyrlynx

  • Omega Damage 650*OP -> 500*OP

Stage 3 - Arcane Floralynx

  • Omega Damage 650*OP -> 500*OP

Stage 3 - Relentless Emberlynx

  • Attack Physical Damage 135 -> 145

Stage 3 - Relentless Hydrolynx

  • Attack Physical Damage: 120 -> 130.

Stage 3 - Relentless Terralynx

  • Attack Physical Damage: 120 -> 130.

Stage 3 - Relentless Zephyr Lynx

  • Attack Physical Damage: 120 -> 130.

Stage 3 - Relentless Floralynx

  • Attack Physical Damage: 120 -> 130.

Stage 3 - Nimble Emberlynx

  • Attack Physical Damage 150 -> 155

Stage 3 - Nimble Hydrolynx

  • Attack Physical Damage: 135 -> 140.

Stage 3 - Nimble Terralinks

  • Attack Physical Damage: 135 -> 140.

Stage 3 - Nimble Zephyrinx

  • Attack Physical Damage: 135 -> 140.

Stage 3 - Nimble Floralynx

  • Attack Physical Damage: 135 -> 140.

Stage 3 - Virtuous Emberlynx

  • % missing health per second during Omega 8 -> 6

Stage 3 - Virtuoso Hydrotrot

  • % missing health per second during Omega 8 -> 6

Stage 3 - Virtuoso Terralynx

  • % missing health per second during Omega 8 -> 6

Stage 3 - Virtuoso Zephyrinx

  • % missing health per second during Omega 8 -> 6

Stage 3 - Virtuoso Floralynx

  • % missing health per second during Omega 10 -> 8

Synergy Changes


The defensive stats of magma combat units in their molten earth were too high considering how easy it was to have 100% uptime of the effect.

  • Grain of sand on earth stack 10 -> 5
  • Earth stack permission 10 -> 5


The description for Base Fighter Synergy did not reflect the correct value, so the base value was changed to match the description.

  • Grant enhanced attack every 2 attacks -> Grant enhanced attack every 3 attacks

Complement Changes

Player and enemy decks now have the following upgrades:

  • Lesser/Great/Exalted Arctic Dominion
  • Greater/Exalted Eternal Entropy
  • Gift of Greater/Exalted Help

Succour Gift Line

This line of augments. All stages of Succour's Gift no longer heal the holder of the augment.

Gift of great help

  • Ruthlessness to all allies within 10 hexes for 6 seconds -> Indomitable к to two nearby allies for 6 seconds.

Gift of the Exalted Helper

  • Relentless и shield 250 to all allies in 10 hexes for 6 seconds > Indomitable four nearby allies for 6 seconds.

Arctic Dominion Line

This line has been redesigned at all stages.

Lesser Arctic Dominion

  • Hits enemies within 25 hexes with frost every second.

Great Arctic Dominion

  • Hits enemies within 25 hexes with frost every second. When hit, Holder gains 2 dodge chances. (Max. 15 stacks)

Exalted Arctic Dominion

  • Freezes enemies within 25 hexes every second. On hit, the wearer gains 2 dodge chances (max 15 stacks).

Eternal line of entropy

This line remains unchanged, but now you have access to all stages.

Less eternal entropy

  • Gain 3 Energy Regeneration.

Great eternal entropy

  • Gain 3 Energy Regeneration. Gain immunity to silence.

Sublime eternal entropy

  • Gain 3 Energy Regeneration. Gain immunity to silence. The first Omega refunds 30% of the cost of energy.

End limit line

Omega's crit without Phantom stacks is already a powerful effect. Combined with this patch's main offender (Jagged End), this add-on greatly overpowered performance.

Lesser/Great/Exalted Ultimate Abundance

  • Critical Percentage 20% → Critical Percentage 10%

jagged end line

Lesser/Great/Exalted Serrated End

  • All Jagged End stages now have a 1 second cooldown for the stacking effect of Critical Amp.
  • Critical Strike Booster per stack 10 -> 5.

Retribution call line

Call of Vengeance was underused compared to other powerful augments. Therefore, improvements are being made to the Thorns abilities at all stages.

Exalted Call of Vengeance

  • Heal on kill 400 -> 300.

Call of Lesser/Great/Exalted Retribution

  • Thorns 30 -> 50.

Saccharin escape line

Exalted Saccharine Escape was too effective for the price. These nerfs should reduce the potential explosion of the augment and open it up for use on illuvials with lower energy costs.

Exalted Saccharine Escape

  • 200 instant energy boost -> 20 additional energy regeneration over 5 seconds.

Time respite line

Another little-used add-on that wasn't powerful enough to fulfill my gaming fantasy.

Lesser/Great/Exalted Respite of Time

  • 4% max health every 4 attacks -> 5% max health every 3 attacks.

Flexible stats changes

Augments are excellent value for money when used correctly. There is too much power in their raw stats and not enough in their effects. As a result, the developers reduced the Flex statistics by about 40%.

All small improvements

  • 8% attack speed -> 5% attack speed.
  • 200 max. health -> 120 max. health.
  • 20 Energy Resistance -> 12 Energy Resistance.

All great improvements

  • 24 physical attack damage -> 14 physical attack damage.
  • 16 critical percent -> 10 critical percent.

Survival Changes

Reduced the overall power of add-ons, which made the survival mode more difficult, now you can not use them as effectively as the enemy. To compensate for this, the initial mastery points have been increased.

Rewarding experienced players for playing smart in the early waves and lowering some of the difficulty curves for new players should be a win-win.

  • Starting Mastery Points: 120 -> 150

Variety of weapons

The weapon options for the daily challenge should provide three classes of weapons to play with each challenge, but there was no variety. Now the selected weapon differs by class and kinship, there will be more and more new weapons.

Fixes and optimizations

The most important fixes:

  • Greater/Exalted Vampiric Price Augments gives too much health.
  • Performance issues during the deployment phase.
  • FPS drops during Omegas.
  • FPS drops during repositioning/spawning/reaching the synergy threshold.
  • Fixed Omega Animation beetle/moose/shoehead/pistol shrimp animation.

rain is an adventure RPG, an open-world auto-battler on the Ethereum blockchain using Immutable X... Players travel across a vast and varied landscape to hunt and trap different creatures called Illuvials. Together with their little creatures, players need to find out what caused the cataclysm that destroyed the world.

Each monster has different attributes, classes, and abilities. There is a blending mechanic. This means you can combine two Illuvials into one and improve it. Players can store their Illuvials on so-called shards, which adds to the game's collectibility. These cards contain the essence of Illuvial. Obviously, these fragments can be sold on the market or sent to another user. 

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