Hash Rush: September Details #2

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Hash Rush

It's time for another September developer report, one of the most anticipated crypto games - Hash Rush! 
Also Hash Rush is one of the crypto games to which the CryptoGamingPool team made localization.

In this report, developers focused on developing the game.

The last two weeks they worked on the final resistance phases. World boss Crystal Titan and the final Crystal Base is ready.

Crystal Titan

Crystal Titan - This is a boss at the end of the planet, which the player must defeat in order to completely "win".

The developers showed us several times what the Titan will be like, but up to this point there were only models in the development process. Now we have been presented with the final version:

Hash Rush
Crystal Titan

For video enthusiasts, the developers shared the slicing:

Crystal Titan has two attack modes. First, the Titan will use a ranged attack, hitting a target at a distance. If the target comes too close, it will go into close combat mode. * Attack animation is still under development.

Crystal Base

The Crystal Base is the Titan's lair. Until the player reaches the final Resistance Phase, a Titan can be found in the infected dungeon. However, if the player has reached the final stage of the game, the Titan will leave his lair and go to destroy the player's buildings.

Because the Crystal Titan is the heart Crystal Scourge and the Crystal Scourge is the main opponent of the player, the developers placed the Crystal Base on the opposite end of the planet from the player’s Bastion (the main building).

They shared several screenshots of the Crystal Base with us:

The two images above show the Crystal Titan that is hiding in the dungeon.

This image clearly shows the dimensions of the Crystal Titan. Of the two versions, the developers chose the bigger one!

The developers also said that they are preparing another important function (a new planet), and then they will work on updating the public Alpha version of the game.

Project website: https://hashrush.com.
Project Telegram chat: https://t.me/hashrushofficial.
Telegram chat RU: https://t.me/hashrushru.

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