Hash Rush: February Details #2 (XNUMX)

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Hash Rush

Welcome to the series "Hash Rush: Through the Hermeian Galaxy".

In this series, we will explore the Germaine galaxy, dive into the history of various characters, races, creatures, consider the mechanics of the game, and much more that will help to know all aspects of the wonderful world Hash Rush.

After January beta details, another piece of information arrived, revealing the veil of secrecy about the beta of Hash Rush. In general, the developers continue to optimize the launcher and fix various bugs. The greatest attention is paid to the loading of accounts, it is required to consider in detail all possible problems with the account.

And a developer blog was published, which revealed PvE mechanics and how the planet will react to the player.
Before the developers go to the beta, they have planned to hone PvE to the ideal.

Monsters Hash Rush

The developers shared with us images of some monsters:

Hash Rush
Hash Rush
Forest Beast
Hash Rush
Splitter, lives in the depths of the dungeons
Hash Rush
Slasher lives in dungeons
Hash Rush
Crystal Titan - the final boss

Project website: https://hashrush.com.
Project Telegram chat: https://t.me/hashrushofficial.
Telegram chat RU: https://t.me/hashrushru.

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