Gods Unchained: Prestige Items

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Gods Unchained

В Gods Unchained update! The developers have added new ways to earn money for players, such as an additional Hydra Trinket and Genesis Board!

I remind that recently Immutable (Fuel Games) received an investment of $15 000 000.

Trinket Hydra

The developers added the ability to “develop” several Hydra Trinket on one account.

Condition. The second Hydra opens after the accumulation of 120 000 tokens, 3-th after 240 000 tokens (and so on).

I remind you that the development of Hydra will be suspended at the end Referral program that ends October 17 October 2019.

More information about the Referral program and Hydra can be found here: https: /CryptoGamingPool.com/gods-unchained-play-2-earn-raffle-mythical-card.

Genesis Board

Everyone who has a rank of Novice or above will get a Genesis Board which evolves as your collection level increases (determined by the number of unique cards you own).

Conditions. The first board is issued upon reaching the Novice rank (more than 100 unique Genesis cards in your collection). The Genesis board evolves depending on the level of your collection. The maximum level of Genesis boards is the Demigod. Each additional board will require several unique cards. For example, for the 3rd board - 3 cards, the 4th - 4 cards, etc. You will be able to open the third board as soon as your first and second boards receive the Demigod level, and additional boards each time all your previous ones receive the Demigod.

* After the end of the Genesis presale, the creation and development of boards will be discontinued.

Access to Gods Unchained Beta: https://godsunchained.com?beta-key=cijOOXISbz.

Our referral link - Gods Unchained

Telegram chat RU: https://t.me/Gods_Unchained_RU.
Discord (CGP): https://discord.gg/cWtFs8T.

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