Gala Games Releases Walking Dead VOX Collection

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As part of the television series collaboration TWD (The Walking Dead) and GalaGames A new collection of TWD VOX avatars has been released. The release of the pixelated characters comes amid another landmark moment for the zombie franchise, as days after the announcement, TWD "Walker Access Pass" owners will finally learn the true value of their asset.

The TWD VOX avatar collection sale is scheduled for March 28, 2022 and will include 8 characters from the TV series (including not only the main characters, but also various zombies), the value of which is currently unknown. Customers won't immediately know which TWD avatar they've received to travel the metaverse, as the VOX avatar identity will remain sealed in the box until April 888th. Walker Vox is said to be in about half of the boxes, but not in the same condition, but in various stages of physical decay. Creepy, right?

The most burning question for users is how VOX avatars will be useful in the upcoming MMORPG survival game "Walking Dead Empires' as they can grant passive performance enhancements to the wearer and their allies. The buffs will vary depending on the rarity and nature of the TWD VOX avatar, for example Daryl Dixon VOX offers combat buffs for the crossbow, while Hershel Greene VOX will increase the chances of crafting highly effective medical items.

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