Free Mint NFT Champion at Mojo Melee | Planet Mojo

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After the completion of the Mojo Bowl Invitational, My Melee gearing up for the first NFT Champions Freedrop. Mint kicks off March 3, 2023: Mojo Elite will be the first to enter at 16:00 UTC, access to the whitelist will open at 16:30 UTC. Mint will be held on the Magic Eden marketplace in the Polygon network. To take part in the mint My Melee you must either be whitelisted or have Mojo Elite status.

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Mojo Elite is a special status in Discord, which is assigned to users for activity. The second way to get Mojo Elite is to win it through sweepstakes.

Despite the fact that it will be difficult to catch the lottery by the tail, and it is almost impossible to fill the asset in such a period, you can try your luck in the whitelist. Advice to those who are interested in the project follow Planet mojo в Twitter and join Discordto keep track of various contests and sweepstakes. How to get on the whitelist? Read below.

В My Melee players create teams around the Mojo character. Team My Melee consists of 1 Mojo unit, 4 champion units and 2 spellstones. Each team can bring up to two spell stones to the match. Each stone has a special ability and they are divided into three types.

Mojos have access to different spellstones depending on their subclass. Mojos are automatically revealed at the start of a battle and offer passive bonuses to their team. Each player receives ten gold pieces at the start of each round. Any unspent gold is carried over to the next round. During the preparation phase, players use their gold to place units and spellstones on the battlefield. Players can upgrade units and spellstones by purchasing additional copies and placing them in the same slots. Players can upgrade each unit a maximum of three times.

Once both players have finished preparing, the game will go into auto-battle mode until only one team is left. Each unit type has a number of different stats, including health, armor, attack damage, and even aim priority. All this affects the behavior of the team and the results during the battle.

Units have special abilities that can trigger when they get enough energy. Some champions even start the match with full energy. Spellstones are activated once at the start of a round.

Planet mojo is a Free play-to-earn RPG metaverse with interconnected games from the developers of Mystic Moose, which takes place on the mysterious alien planet Mojoverse with an evolving story, PVP mode, NFT characters and NFT items.

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