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Ebay posted on LinkedIn list of vacancies related to NFT and Web3. In the past 24 hours, more than 80 people have applied for these positions, which are related to the acquisition last June of the NFT trading platform Known Origin.

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The company is looking for a crypto-lawyer, community manager and marketing campaign manager. 17 candidates applied for the role of crypto lawyer, 31 people applied for the position of community manager, and 37 for the role of marketing campaign manager.

According to the announcement, the role of a crypto lawyer involves providing legal advice and support on NFT, blockchain and Web3 issues. The candidate must also be up to date with the latest developments and coordinate with internal teams Ebay. The KnownOrigin Marketing Campaign Manager must raise awareness and have a clear understanding of the Web3 industry and the latest developments in the industry.

Earlier from the same kitchen it became known that Amazon also turned to LinkedIn to find a highly qualified GTM specialist to work in the Go-To-Market team that works on Web3. The Senior Specialist position on the Web3 Go To Market (GTM) team will lead the successful implementation of Web3 workloads on AWS.

AWS, as the site shows, offers blockchain companies tools for centralized or decentralized work with the ledger of transactions. A central ledger maintains immutable and secure cryptographic records of transactions, while a multi-party blockchain network helps enable decentralized governance without intermediaries.

And Amazon plans to launch a full-scale NFT marketplace this spring - this will allow collecting digital collectibles by playing crypto games and integrating them with other company applications. The project is still under development, but it is planned that in April Amazon will make an official announcement.

There was an insider about the launch of an NFT project with a famous artist, but plans have changed and the project will use a different platform, not AWS, which other services use Amazon. The company intends to seriously compete with current NFT platforms such as Rare и OpenSea. AvaLabs already made a deal with Amazonso that AWS users can deploy blockchain nodes faster Avalanche.

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