Early access and pre-sale of tokens in Cross The Ages

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September 23, 2022 at 19:00 (GMT+3) Cross the Ages The game will be released in early access. Holders of the Arkhante Edition Pack will finally be able to open them and experience the gameplay for the first time. In addition, the developers are launching a presale where users can buy $CTA tokens at a big discount.

Global release

Early access will end on October 25th at 19:00 (GMT+3) followed by a global release Cross The Ages: TCG, then Neo chests containing 48 packs will become available. After that, users will be able to buy $CTA tokens at a listing price of $0.50, but with restrictions. The first 2000 users who buy a Neo chest will be able to buy up to 600 $CTA, the rest will be limited to 100 $CTA. There is a way to get more than $600 CTA is to buy the remaining pre-sale packs in the secondary market and open them in your account.

Presale details

  • Presale is reserved for owners of presale packs.
  • Purchased chests will contain 100/250/500/1000 $CTA.
  • Users will be able to buy off-chain PRANA tokens in any quantity. Restrictions apply only to $CTA tokens.
  • An open Primus pack can contain up to a maximum of 1500 $CTA, 700 disciplines and 600 students.
  • Only one pack can be bought at a discount, and one pack can be opened during early access, be careful with your choice.
  • Listing price $0.50 with a $0.13 discount ($0.37 OFF).
  • You can use the discount only on one of the chests. This means that if you buy a chest with 100 $CTA and then want to buy a chest with 250 $CTA, the price for a chest with 250 $CTA will be $0.50.
  • In the in-game marketplace, purchases will only be available for fiat currency. Other currencies (USDT, USDC, ETH, etc.) are under negotiation with Immutable X.

Cards sspecial rare

The cards that are available to $CTA holders are called Special Rare. Cards range from rare to ultra-rare. There are a total of 26 SR cards available, 13 standard and 13 alternate cards for the first season.

SR cards cannot be obtained from the chest. The user receives one card as an airdrop to the wallet if he has 500 $CTA, if he has 1000 $CTA, two cards arrive. There will be two weekly airdrops for the same card, which means that if the user misses the first one, everyone will get the second airdrop exactly. Other SR cards will be in the Cross The Ages books. The publication of the books is scheduled for the end of 2022. You can read the novel for free at Online.

Cross the Ages is a card game set in the Arhante universe, where fantasy meets science fiction, mixing art with gameplay to create magic. Each game component has NFT value, which users can exchange with each other or sell on the marketplace.

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