DeHorizon releases new fantasy game called DeVerse

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DeHorizon are preparing to launch internal testing of their MMORPG called DeVerse, which is scheduled for February 22, 2022. 

DeHorizon wants to present its ecosystem and metaverse. The game DeVerse promises to give players an exciting game that will make them feel like they are in a fantasy - metaverse DeHorizon.

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Team DeHorizon calls themselves veterans of the games, who allegedly held positions in Riot Games, Dungeons & Dragons и Blizzard, and are ostensibly web3 experts with years of experience in fintech and blockchain. Of course, this has not been verified. Team members do not have links to social networks. Photo stylized. At the same time, in the section OUR Team no mention of Blizzard and Riot Games. It is possible that the game is being developed by an outsourced studio and managed by an anonymous team, but the names are given so that the token can be listed on the exchanges. Classic scheme.

Not always a non-public team is a guaranteed red flag. Sometimes teams make a good product. But such commands do not indicate anyone in the Team section. Here we see the classic “Nguyen Brothers” (Local folklore expression adopted in the CGP. Like Ivana Ivanova with altered photos). Therefore, on command, the flag is unambiguously red. It would be better if no one was mentioned. Backers 50 to 50. There are average + there are average and there are not very good ones. We have boarded a lot of people who do not have a high project filter and, with the advent of big money, used the spray and pray strategy. the entire industry has grown and everything can be thrown into everything with a high probability of positive returns. This is not a16z or Galaxy Interactive.

Whitelist and airdrop

The whitelist is open until February 14, 2022. Players who are lucky enough to be on the whitelist will have access to testing. Players will be given 5000 test $DVTs and 1 set of test consumables as an airdrop. $DVT is an in-game token in DeVerse. 2000 whitelist spots will be available for internal testing.

Requirements for vl:

The winners will be announced on February 18, 2022.

Testing Rewards

There are some nice rewards for players who will be testing. DeHorizon allocated a prize pool of $16 DVT. Players will fight for the first places in the "Biweekly Top Kills", "Biweekly Top Wins" ratings. If you win, you can receive a prize pool of $535 DVT. For more information about prizes and rankings, please follow the link. here.

DeVerse Gameplay

DeVerse is a team-based fantasy action game with five different character classes called Numen. Each Numen has a special ability and their own role in the team. Numen classes:

  • Cleaning
  • Alchemist
  • Adventurer
  • Warrior
  • Arrogant

Teams will gather in special rooms. After you have assembled a team, you can safely go into battle. There will be an entry fee to enter the game, which will be paid in $DVT.

The goal of the game is to capture the gate, which will bring your team points for every second of holding. Killing an enemy Numen will not earn points for the team, but will help your personal rating.

Your team will win if you score 10 points in 000 minutes, or if you have more points than the opponent in the same 8 minutes. The winning team receives 8% of the $DVT entry fee. The remaining 95% goes to the treasury of the project team. #DYOR

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