Crypto Space Commander (CSC): Guide. How to start playing?

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crypto space commander csc

In this mini-guide, we will help a newcomer to the space MMO crypto game Crypto Space Commander (CSC). The project is at the alpha testing stage.

We have been closely monitoring the project since 2018 (since the presale), but until the February patches appeared in the game there was not enough content for a full-fledged game, so “start off”didn’t really want to. In February, craft (v.0.8+) was introduced, and even earlier, the in-game market, i.e. there is an opportunity for digital assets speculation and earnings in the game.

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So, in order to start playing you need to register on the official website , link an ETH wallet (what is an ETH wallet and how to create it can be found in the section Academy ) to your account and buy the game in Steam , ordownload directly (link to the latest version of the game can be obtained in the official Discord or our Telegram). 

*When buying a game on Steam, you will not worry about updates, they will also give you a starter kit. If you do not want to pay for the game on Steam, then in any case you will have to buy some ship.

Activity choice

There are several ways to make money in CSC:

  • transportation of passengers / cargo;
  • craft modules / ships;
  • mining and refining;
  • PVE;
  • PVP (this type of earnings will be more relevant to release).

I believe that for a beginner, the most suitable is mining, transportation of passengers and small cargo.

*Based on the selected activity, you will need a spaceship.


There are a lot of kinds of spaceships in CSC. There is a suitable ship for each wallet and type of activity. From very small (Scout) to huge (Dreadnaught). The full list can be found on the official website in the section Catalog.

*Any ship can be equipped for any task. The modular system allows you to fine-tune the ship based on the personal preferences of the player. For example, a miner ship can be made combat and vice versa.

Game without investment

The life of a player who at the start of his game did not spend on a working ship will be difficult. The starter kit when buying a game on Steam has a very low chance to generate a good ship. Mostly players get interpid: Vanguard SE. This is a very small courier ship, with low carrying capacity and a small number of module slots.

It is possible to complete very light shipping missions with the corresponding rewards. You can mine, but not very long. You can carry personnel, but you need to buy modules for passenger cabins. 

Due to the low speed and carrying capacity of launch ships, the time to farm better vehicles may be quite large.

A game with minimal investment

If you have the opportunity to invest from ~0.19 ETH (04/05/2020), then this is the minimum amount for a decent passenger ship - Oasis. This ship is very much appreciated for its high factory speed.

If you want to do mining or shipping, then a great starting ship would be Firecat (~0.39 ETH) /Prospector (~0.5 ETH) or Voyager MP (~0.25 ETH).

If predisposed to PVE, then a good option would be Corvette MP (~0.3 ETH).

*Engage in PVE activity, it is almost useless without a ship of class Prometheus, ships of class Corsair and below can hardly cope with most mobs.

**Before buying, familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the ship, some ships have buffs / debuffs and additional modules. Attachments can vary from 0.1 to 30+ ETH.


Crypto Space Commander has a well-implemented in-game market. Any items (modules, resourses, ships, etc.) can be sold / bought for the in-game currency GRP, donated GFC or ETH, for example, on OpenSea, later it will be possible to bypass a third party and trade in ETH inside the game.

*To sell an item on OpenSea, you need to mint it (create), the price of a mint is 50 GFC/item + transfer 25 GFC.
**Any of the three currencies is freely exchanged between players.


Everything is complicated here, earnings directly depend on your strategy, activity and time spent in the game.

For example, having a ship of the Prometheus class and mining rare and higher ore in remote systems (one-way flight takes at least an hour), you can earn from the sale raw ore at market price about 5-20kk+ GRP (depending on ore). Current exchange rate: 1kk GRP = ~0.01 ETH (floating / contractual exchange rate).


Crypto Space Commander is a promising long-term construction from an excellent studio. This project has good potential for earning. The current game has version 0.9+, i.e. it's time to pour in!

In the next issues we will try to analyze in more detail each aspect in the game.

There are a lot of subtleties in CSC, it will be difficult for a beginner to absorb the entire amount of information, so we will be glad to see you in a Telegram group, we`ll prompt and show.

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