Get banned, abuser! September news from Lunacia

Last update:

Where is the delete button?

We've got great news one after another straight from the fields of Lunation! ~ 0,5% of the Axie Infinity population was banned - this is about 30 axie of the total population, which is rapidly approaching 000 million.

The reason is the abuse of energy. For obvious reasons, we will not describe the scheme, but it all comes down to the fact that some unscrupulous players maximize their energy, which contradicts rules installed by Sky Mavis.

Moreover, Sky Mavis warned that the raids on the abuser will continue and next time the punishment will be inevitable. violators will not have time to sell their axis.

September development update

Let's move on to hot🔥

Sky Mavis reported on the current state of affairs and foreseeable plans for the future (Everything seems to be cool, but for some reason the holivars are flaring up. Citizens are unhappy with the rate of tokens, what can you do ...)

Key Points

  • Axie is the highest earning cryptocurrency app in the last 30 days.
  • We are making a lot of progress with staking AXS and Ronin DEX.
  • The development of Battles v2 and lands is also accelerating.

Further, there are a lot of all sorts of figures, diagrams, other statistics and this could end, but sometimes I want to savor it because it is impressive, because we are in a historical moment. Not a single Play-to-Earn game has achieved such a scale, expanding the boundaries of the audience of blockchain and crypto games beyond the crypto group, allowing people to touch the world of decentralization who would hardly just want to learn about blockchain 🙂

  1. In August, we literally passed the 1 million mark. DAU and now we are moving towards 2 mln.
  2. The Axie Protocol has generated over $ 300 million in the past 30 days. This is more than anything other than Ethereum. These fees are held by the Community Treasury, which will be owned and regulated by all AXS holders.
  3. The economy is bigger than any other NFT project, with more contributors than the rest of the known projects combined. And you look at the number of transactions - 1,8 million in August.

⚔️ Combat Mode V2

Battles V2 (Axie Infinity: Origin) is a brand new combat system that will introduce Axie to a whole new audience. Origin will be faster, more dynamic, and will allow people to test the demo of the game before making economic decisions:

  • work in progress on the final chapter of the PvE adventure mode, completed some concept art and enemy designs;
  • the team thinks a lot and makes an effort to make the bosses of the various chapters unique and challenging;
  • Origin engineers are working on a PVP system. The developers will be mixing and updating the structure of the season and constantly expanding it in future updates;
  • Origin game designers are working on stats / abilities of body parts / maps. They are doing their best to keep the cards in the spirit / concept of their old versions, but some new mechanics will also be added;
  • the developers are thinking about how to add even more customization to the team and create a deck to enhance the skill-based role;
  • about 70% of the new card design has been completed.

???? Earth

A special team that deals with lands has accepted a new game designer into its ranks. The Earth is a fascinating project, it can be developed in many directions:

  1. crafting, building structures and collecting resources;
  2. the outdoor amusement park will appeal to many mini-games;
  3. strategic battle between different armies for control over territory / resources.

This team got together to discuss next steps and it was decided to focus on (1) and then flesh out (2) and (3) over time.

They will also take some time to make sure all new team members understand the economic properties of the land and how they fit into the game's economy.

🐦 Ronin et al.

Ronin is Sky Mavis' scaling solution for NFT games, starting with Axie. This is the most commonly used Ethereum sidechain for NFTs.

  • Now Ronin has over $ 1,5 billion on deposit.
  • The AXS hosting contract is being audited.
  • The design of the Ronin dex (Project X) is now complete. This is probably the most important aspect of the short-term roadmap.
  • Released page with new productsand installation guide!

Game profile, in which you will find links and other articles on the topic.

And don't forget to connect to the most active Russian-speaking community Axie Infinity RU from CGP, if not already connected. There are almost 5000 of us!

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